Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Time to change the way time is viewed.

Time is one of those things that everybody loves to hate. We can't live without the fabric of time and space and we organize and run our lives based off of schedules within time. Time is merely a way to split the day into equal parts so that everybody can be on the same wavelength.

It is true that time exists due to the fact that there are seasons and day and night. It's very convenient that we were able to work these two things into a 24 hour day. Ever since man has known about time he has tried to come up with ways to keep track of it. The sun dial is the earliest form of this and is still used in some places today, not for telling the time but for decoration.

The one method of telling time that has lasted the longest is the analogue clock. Now that we have digital clocks though the analogue system is rather useless. Sure it's classy or classical to have a grandfather clock or a wall mounted pendulum clock but what's the point?

Now, let's entertain a ridiculous idea for a second here. What if we were to display an analogue clock using a digital display? Genius right? WRONG. I'm just going to end now.

Displaying analogue clocks digitally is dumb and pointless.

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