Monday, October 6, 2008

Sorry I didn't know this was a one way sidewalk.

I absolutely can not stand it when a person feels that they are so important that they don't even bother at an attempt to move over when passing somebody on a walk way. Just this morning I practically had to turn sideways and strafe past a person due to his ineptitude. I don't know whether he thought there would be enough room or if he honestly just didn't care but either way it's one of those things that can make a person ticked for quite some time afterward. Here's the deal with walkways in America, you generally always walk on the right side no matter which way you are going. This very simple rule makes it so that everybody can get to where there going with minimal interference. One thing however that can throw off this entire system is a group of people walking together. Often times one or more members of the group want to walk side by side so that they can all be equal and not have to look back or talk louder. This is a problem however when they are taking up almost all of if not the whole sidewalk and they refuse to move out of the way of other pedestrians. I could go on and on and on about this but I'll just make it real simple and clear so that we can prevent this plague from overtaking our nations walkways.

This Posts Message: When you're walking down a walkway mentally divide it in half always be conscience of which side you are on so that you don't impede the travel of those on the other side it's called being courteous and it's something that everybody should do.


Aktief Kulture said...

Arrgh. It's one of those horrible behaviors shared by people all over the world. And what's worse - you try to pass two old ladies blocking a smallish sidewalk and one of them notices you and furtively moves their bag away from you.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who notices this trend. On rare occasion I've shoulder-checked a few people because they wouldn't move to their side of the walkway.