Sunday, October 5, 2008

Allow me to clarify!

This post is going to be extremely relevant to you!

I can't stand when I have to explain something that I've said or that I'm talking about to somebody. This happens to everybody on an almost regular basis so I know it annoys everybody else in the world as well. One example is why I prefer to use Windows Live Messenger instead of AIM. It's aggravating having to say that WL has better features and a cleaner and more personal interface than AIM whenever I try to tell an AIM user to switch to WL. I think the worst type of explanation irritation occurs when you're talking to somebody about let's say this game you both play. I played this game called Gunz, and the control scheme was broken. A broken control scheme allows you to do things you shouldn't normally be able to do but can achieve by taking advantage of the flaws in the controls. It's because the combination of there being no limits to your actions and your ability to repeat certain actions that you are able to take advantage of them. It's as if in Battle Field 2, a realistic modern warfare game, you can run and jump as often as you want. That would lead to broken controls and that's why in the game you have stamina, so as to limit those actions thus making it so you can't take advantage of them. See? I just explained something, and oh boy was that a hassle. Some of you probably didn't even understand anything I said.

To get back to the crux of the matter: Explaining things that you are saying is annoying, though it happens often so there's really nothing you can do about it besides making sure that when you do explain you do a damn good job of it.

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