Saturday, June 27, 2009

Transformers 2 SUCKED`

This has to be one of the worst pieces of cinematic garbage I have EVER had the misfortune of seeing at a midnight showing. Mind you, I went to the midnight showing of SNAKES ON A PLANE, and if forced to watch either Transformers 2 or SOAP? You'd better bet your butt I'd be less sick and tired of those snakes on that plane than those incomprehensible heaps of metal nonsense. My three main complaints, which I feel are also the biggest sour point in this film, are the incredibly base and lewd jokes and humor, the lack of connection to any characters, and the lack of any story telling. Actually, allow me to add a fourth, the horrible make you want to vomit diarrhea camera work that plagues this entire film. Not to mention that this movie is two and a half hours long although half way through it already feels like it's been three hours. I'm just gonna cut it off right there, this movie is terrible, I'm never going to watch either the first or the second ever again and I will not be seeing any more that they are going to inevitably make. Two thumbs down, no stars, do not go and see this film EVER.

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