Monday, April 20, 2009

Imposters and identity theft.

Impersonations are cool as long as they are done for comedic or satirical purposes, for the most part. There is a point however where these things cross over into the border of identity theft. It's like famous people who have a twitter account that's supposedly theirs, even though they have somebody else update it for them acting like them. Or that guy who claimed to be Kanye West and said something hilarious about something that was said about him, it was funny but it wasn't right. I think that people who do these sorts of things should be sent to jail. It's like me making a myspace page for George W. Bush and doing things on it that just mock him and make him look like a fool. Seriously though, if you see things like this you should be more concerned, because you never know when it's going to happen to you.

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