Saturday, February 11, 2017

Nazi Panic Madness







Section One: The Nazi Party

Some Faggot

Nazis are Socialist

That is an actual Nazi, THEE Naziest of all Nazis, Adolfo Hitlernius or whatever his name was, think his steam handle was KikeSlayer420BlazeFaggots , played CS:GO with him a couple times.

The word "NAZI" is slang, slang for their full German name:  

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

That is the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party.

Now, how did they come to power? Through the use of FASCISM.

As a system of governance, however, they engaged in socialism, and here is one example.

A Product Of Socialism


In April 1934, Adolf Hitler gave the order to Ferdinand Porsche to develop a Volkswagen
The Volkswagen only exists because of Socialism, because the State ordered that it be produced.

This is how socialism works, it puts the needs of the state before the needs of the people, thus the state commands the means of production.

Where are the Nazis Now?

The Nazi party is gone, it is over.

For some reason, however, people on the political "left" in America, have become induced into a panic, a Nazi Panic, where they believe that people on the political "right" are actually Nazis.

Section Two: Nazi Panic Today

Insane SJW "Professor" Indoctrinating the Youth of America


College Campus Fear Mongering

The College and University system is America has been largely infiltrated and co-opted by the political "left", which is an amalgam of anti-American ideology comprised of socialists, communists, Marxists, and self avowed Anarchists and "anti-fascists".

These people use their positions as professors and administrators to implement the indoctrinating of the youth of our nation through pushing political agendas in their class curriculum under the guise of tolerance and "understanding".

No longer is Writing and Rhetoric II simply about learning best methods of persuasive strategy, debate technique, how to formulate abstracts and draw conclusions based on supportive evidence, or proper grammar and semantic structure.

It becomes perverted and twisted to become learning about the lives of LGBTQ individuals as seen through a video series you are forced to watch every week as your fat lesbian professor sits there doing nothing earning an easy paycheck for brainwashing people.

These very same professors are now telling their students that people who disagree with certain ideas or movements, such as black lives matter, are all Nazis and that they should be "punched in the face".




Share this article, share the video linked in this article, and share it on every platform you can.

Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Gab.Ai , and anywhere else you know of.


No more free passes, no more rolling over, stand your ground and speak out when people are saying things that are untrue, falsely labeling their fellow American Citizens as "Nazis" so that they can feel a false sense of justification while engaging in violence against people.

The Violent Left Attack Like COWARDS



Engage in ONE MAN protests. I went to the Anime convention BY MYSELF because why bring friends when you can make new ones at the convention ( SHOUT OUT TO CON JESUS ) !

The one man protest is a very effective form of protest, as it accomplishes multiple necessities.
CLARITY OF MESSAGE is safely maintained, as yours is the only message being presented. When I wanted people to consider the idea of "FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, WORLDS LARGEST CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE" , it wasn't hard for me to do so with that being the only sign being held aloft on the corner of the road.

BE ENGAGING with people who give you attention and know what you're talking about for those who wish to engage in dialog with you, no sense in being found out to be a fool.


The left have gone insane, and it is time to fight back on all fronts, showing them to be the liar coward reprobates that they truly are.

End this Nazi panic, share this article and the video linked.

Stay strong, you soldiers of fortune.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fixed Gear idiocy

Fixed gear bikes are a great training tool for small children who are learning to ride a bike for the first time, along with the necessary helmet and training wheels. Maybe wrist guards, everything else they can throw some dirt on when it gets cut and skinned.

Recently, however, a huge wave of fixed gear bikes have been seen across the country being propelled by giant man and women children known as "hipsters" or as common man would say, idiots who are so starved for attention that they'll do whatever it takes to get so much as a glance from the nearest passerby.

I suppose it's because these bikes are a connection not only to their childhood which they show off in public since it has been long forgot which in turn makes it "nostalgic" and everybody knows that nostalgia is just so hip, but it is also a connection to their current maturity be it that of a seven or five year old.

Seriously though, these bikes are horrible for a multitude of reasons but I think it's best to start at the most glaringly obvious fault in these machines. If you want to move forwards you ALWAYS have to pedal. Have fun getting up a steep incline and not being able to choose the appropriate gear so it doesn't feel like you're scaling a mountain. Going down a steep hill and just want to coast? Too bad, either go slow like you have to or risk dieing at the bottom due to your feet being off the pedals that are now flying so fast that there's no way in hell you're going to be able to put your feet back onto them to stop.

That brings me to the second fault, you have to make the pedals stop moving in order to brake. That's right, you can't just simply squeeze a handbrake while keeping your legs at a stable position, you have to push backwards and use YOUR leg strength to stop.

I'm going to skip all of the other points I could make about this issue and just end it with this. You look like a damn fool riding your fixed gear bike, it isn't cool and you're wasting your stupid time you idiot.

I hate every hipster and I hope they all fall into a pit of mountain bikes, PCs, and normal clothing. They'll probably die just from looking at so much "unhip" stuff.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Drunks McDrunk

Hooray, it's St. Patrick's day. What better way to celebrate? GET WASTED!

Seriously, what a joke of a holiday. How is this day viewed any better than mardi gras? I mean, I suppose there isn't a child friendly version of anything on mardi gras, "Here kids, throw the beads and see how many breasts you get to see!". Then again, since the highlight of St.Patrick's day is getting drunk, what's the child friendly version of that? Corned Beef is no more a St.Pats day thing than it is just a general Irish food dish.

Wearing green is the other highlight of this day, which I suppose all can partake in. Even with this there comes headache, however, as every child not wearing green gets pinched, poked, and even punched by their green clad classmates.

Everybody acts stupid on this day as well. They say stereotypically annoying things like "Top of the mornin' to ya!" and "Lucky stars", crap like that with an Irish accent. They're not even cool things to hear with an Irish accent, at least not as cool as asking an Irishman to tell you the time at exactly 3:33. That's a funny one.

Just wait for the morning news though, I'm sure you'll see plenty of stories about drunk drivers and other irresponsible acts cause by irresponsible people getting drunk. Even tonight I'm sure you'll see traffic stops everywhere set up by cops who know just where all the drunks are going to and heading from.

How do you make getting completely trashed, a normal event for many stupid people, into a holiday? Force everybody to wear the same color and "celebrate" Irish heritage.

Thanks a lot St.Patrick, you ass.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Real Men Wear Fanny Packs - Guest Writer Juliette

You have to be a real man to wear a fanny pack.

If you are a rugged man with a bunch of crap to carry then you have to get yourself a fanny pack. Your manly fanny pack can hold all sorts of wonderful items. Cell phones, radios, extra socks, protein bars, cigars, handguns, grenades, razors, wallets, and beef jerky. You may think to yourself that you can fit all of this crap in your cargo jeans. You are dead wrong. It doesn't matter how many pockets your pants have. All of your precious items can fall out and get lost. Pick-pockets can grab your goodies without you even noticing. Wear a fanny pack and they won't even get near you. You just don't mess with a man's fanny pack. The fanny pack will keep all of your items safe and zippered up where you can easily retrieve them.

Men wear fanny packs instead of purses for one specific reason. They have to be ready to kick some ass. You can't chew bubble gum and kick ass while wearing a purse. Some women may try to do this, or even use their purse as a weapon. This is sometimes effective, but a gross misuse of a purse. Purses have to be set aside when engaging in a fight. They have delicate content that could easily be damaged if struck. Also, purses can easily fall off your shoulder or be used against you. If your purse strap gets caught in a tree branch you have to think fast. Cut that sucker off, try to untangle it, but no matter what you do you're wasting time. The enemy now has you in their sights and has a clean shot. You're dead. Thanks a lot purse!

How many villains or superheros wear purses? I can't think of any. If there are any then they suck. Fanny packs are almost essential for crime fighters. Sure Batman has a utility belt, but isn't that really just the stripped down version fanny pack? It's like fanny pack lite version. It works the same, but is slimmed down and organized. It's not better than a fanny pack, just less bulky. The problem with a utility belt is that your enemy can pretty much guess what you have in there. The gun shaped compartment probably isn't filled with smoke capsules. Fanny packs are more ambiguous. Your fanny pack will retain it's shape, not it's contents shape.

Wearing a fanny pack sends a warning to your enemies. What is in that fanny pack? There is no way of knowing since the pack is proudly worn off the hip right on the front of your body where you can see it. Your enemies won't be able to anticipate what is in there. They will be hesitant, giving you the advantage to attack first.

If your state allows concealed carry you have to invest in a good fanny pack. When enemies approach give your fanny pack a got pat to let them know you're not afraid to unzip that sucker and unleash a world of pain on them. You'll notice that you won't even have to unzip it at this point. They know you mean serious business with that manly pack, and they don't want you to bust a cap in their ass. Mission accomplished. You have instilled fear in your enemies with a sweet leather fanny pack. you can even place the fanny pack directly over your crotch. You're a confident man and you don't need to compensate for something else.

If you are a real man than you will wear a fanny pack just like Chuck Norris. Actually, everything I wrote before this is moot because Chuck Norris is really the only reason.

Friday, December 25, 2009

People make life AWESOME

Since Christmas just happened I'd like to take a change from the original format and list some positive things. I received some phenomenal gifts this year such as some awesome t-shirts, underwear, some video games, cash, a movie, chai tea, a new D ring for my keys, jenga max, a mechanical clay target launcher, and a new computer chair that I'm writing from now.

Christmas is great, and I hope everybody has a merry time and enjoys the season.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Twilight New Moon was the worst movie ever (besides Transformers 2)

Twilight New Moon was terrible, absolutely abysmal. I have never seen worse acting in my entire life, it's as if nobody is able to get through a single line without it hurting them. Nobody uses a normal inflection in their voice for any sentence. Also, making fun of zombie movies (original dawn of the dead) drawing parallels to consumerism in a vampire flick? How pretentious and better than thou, get over yourself worthless movie. Oh, and let's not forget Romeo and Juliet, SUBTLE ENOUGH? Worst movie ever, right behind Transformers 2, that movie is still worse somehow.

Spoiler alert: Never see this movie because it sucks and I'm going to tell you why.

Seriously, the story in this movie doesn't progress AT ALL until the VERY last scene. It starts off with Bella loving Edward and blah blah, then Edward says I can't be with you I'm going away. That right there is where the story starts, because it sets up a conflict. For anybody who doesn't know, here's how stories are laid out.

Characters introduced, plot element introduced, conflict, buildup, climax, resolution, roll credits.

Twilight does follow that format, but only for 10 minutes of the entire 2 hour and whatever too long film. The whole film is just useless and painful filler that serves to add nothing to the main story in any manner whatsoever.

Nobody delivers a line straight up. Every sentence is spoken in this low miserable tone of voice and broke into like a billion segments. JUST SAY THE DAMN SENTENCE ALREADY.

Yeah, the voltaire were worthless as well. What a bunch of royal creeps sitting on their thrones.

The music in this film made no sense. I'm quite positive certain record labels paid top billing so they could put their bands music in the film so when the soundtrack is sold people will buy other cds of the people on the soundtrack. The werewolf chasing the red haired girl scene had music that totally didn't fit. Also, every song was from a band that uses way overly pretentious effects and elements for music and when they sing it's like that whining emo queer singing that is also overly pretentious. The music sucks in this film.

Also, there are just so many scenes and camera shots they have where you can tell they are trying way too hard. It's like the most overly pretentious gothic film wannabe I have ever seen in my entire life. Like every shot screams "look at me I'm a gothic film I'm so great look at how awesome I am".

Oh, how white can Edward be? Dude, take off the friggin lip stick and tone down the powder.

Yeah, this was the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Critical Mass

Wow, I don't know what I should focus on for this one. First off, bikers in the city are totally lame. Now, of course there are the ones who ride properly and don't blatantly ignore traffic laws, but that is not the majority of bikers. Critical mass is the mass (duh) gathering of bikers who act like jerks, block countless amounts of traffic, and disrupt the normal flow of things. Why do they do this? To show that bikes are just as important as cars, and that they're not an inconvenience to people. Seriously? I would elaborate more on this topic, but you all know how terrible critical mass is.